Support staff who will connect artists, audiences, and the local community. They will ensure that those who attend the theater festival not only enjoy the performances and events but also have a fulfilling experience and create lasting memories by introducing the charms of the town and providing opportunities for sightseeing.
Please note that the recruitment for this year has already been closed.
About Sponsorship and Donations for the Toyooka Theater Festival 2023:
The Toyooka Theater Festival Executive Committee is inviting support and contributions from companies, organizations, and individuals who wish to assist in the operation of the Toyooka Theater Festival.
< Partners >
Partners are companies or organizations that align with the purpose of the Toyooka Theater Festival and collaborate on joint projects during the Toyooka Theater Festival 2023 or provide sponsorship above a certain amount.
< Supporters >
Supporters are companies or organizations that support the purpose of the Toyooka Theater Festival and provide sponsorship for the Toyooka Theater Festival 2023, as well as individuals who make donations.
If you wish to participate as a sponsor or make a donation, please contact the Toyooka Theater Festival Executive Committee. Your generous support will contribute to the success of the festival and enrich the cultural experience for all participants.
< Corporate Supporters under the Hometown Tax Donation Program >
Corporate supporters are companies that have made donations to Toyooka City under the Corporate Hometown Tax Donation System (Regional Revitalization Support Tax System).
- 三菱地所株式会社
- 日本航空株式会社
- 西日本旅客鉄道株式会社
- 全但バス株式会社
- たじま農業協同組合
- 山陰海岸ジオパーク推進協議会
- カタシマ株式会社
- horai
- 株式会社アトリエムース
- 但馬東洋珈琲株式会社
- Cooperation: FUJIFILM Corporation