『豊岡かよっ!』撮影:igaki photo studio


Director’s Program

“Empty house”

NPO Platz

Written and Director: Hironori Naito


  • Toyooka

Date and Time


Performance Duration

Approx. 60 minutes
Reception Open: 60 mins before the show
Doors Open: 30 mins before the show

Performance Language

Performed in Japanese only

Admission Fee

【All seats unreserved】
Advance Tickets: ¥2,500
Same-day Tickets: ¥3,000
Advance Tickets U25/Student/Disabled Discount: ¥1,500*
Same-day Tickets Disabled Discount: ¥2,000*
U18 for advance and Same-day: Free*
Uzumaku Pass: ¥1,000

Clap Mates*
If there are remaining seats on the day, you can watch the performance for free who aged 19 to 25, or those with a valid student ID.

*Please proof required on the day of the event

A community theater performance with professional actors and citizens, written by Kansai’s leading playwright and director Hironori Naito (Head of the Minami Kawachi Banzai Ichiza theater company) on the theme of Toyooka. A community-based theater project.

NPO Platz
Cooperation: Minami Kawachi Banzai Ichiza, Bearhug LLC, OSAKA GAS NETWORK CO., LTD.
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, Fiscal Year 2024
Presented by NPO Platz (Toyooka city)
NPO Platz
NPO Platz is an organization that focuses on the creation of performing arts through civic participation. It offers opportunities for people to engage in the performing arts through theater performances, dance, workshops, and lectures, and strives to nurture talent that can develop the local culture and arts and contribute to civic cultural activities. Since 2016, the organization has invited Hironori Naito, a pioneer in the Kansai theater world, to write for and direct a theater project in which professional actors and locals perform together. Since 2021, it has collaborated with artists who received the OMS Drama Award to stage community-based theater themed around Toyooka. The organization is the designated manager of Toyooka Creative Community Plaza.
Hironori Naito
Hironori Naito is the head of the Minami Kawachi Banzai Ichiza theater company. He established the company in 1980 with the staging of Hebihime-sama [Snake Princess] (written by Juro Kara) while attending Osaka University of Arts Graduate School. Reputed for his direction and performances based on the foundations of contemporary theater, he has directed the Piccolo Theatrical Company in Hyogo and special performances at his alma mater Osaka University of Arts, in addition to his own company. He has also collaborated in projects that span across genres. He has received awards including the Yomiuri Theater Award for Outstanding Director, Japan Media Arts Festival Excellence Award, and the Osaka Cultural Festival Award. Since 2015, he has been a professor at the Theatrical Arts Department of Osaka University of Arts.
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