Art Translators Collective
“Art Translation Party”
Fringe Selection
Sep.13(Fri)10:30, 15:00
Approx. 30 mins
Reception & Doors Open: 30 mins before the show
Non-verbal performance
Per parent-child pair
– Advance Tickets: ¥1,000
– Same-day Tickets: ¥1,500
An additional 500 yen per family member for both advance and same-day tickets.
Per Adult
– Advance Tickets: ¥1,500
– Same-day Tickets: ¥2,000
Up to 8 parent-child pairs and 3 adult audience per peformance
Age: 3-24months
Art Translators Collective
“Art Translation Party”
Sorami Date
“Preparation for death, done by parents and children, through theater workshop.(only 3 pairs)”
Yasuhito Suzuki
“Amplified Routines”